He has taught and been taught by: the NRA, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army (Rangers and green berets), U.S. Marines, Navy Seals, German CSG-9, Israeli Commandos, Glock, Remington, Colt, H&K, Taser, and various armorer courses. He has consulted with law enforcement agencies nationwide. Don was top gun at the F.B.I. observer/sniper school and the F.B.I. firearms instructor school. He is a California Department of Justice firearms instructor and proctor.
Don has trained the trainers at national law enforcement conventions and he wrote and directed the law enforcement sniper training film: Law Enforcement Sniper Tactics-Techniques.
Don has provided firearms instruction to many personalities and stars and has been a sought-after lecturer on Self Defense.
Don has taught firearms classes to police cadets at two colleges’ criminal justice programs. It has been reported back to him that his superior training has saved twenty-four lives of students who have graduated from his courses.
Don is dedicated to passing on his knowledge to people who have sincere interest in what he uniquely has to offer.
Military Bio
Don entered the military, the U.S. Air Force, out of high school because of his desire to serve his country. He worked his way up through the ranks. His duties included crew chief, flying crew chief, flight chief, flight line expediter, senior weapons systems controller, and acquisition manager. He attended the Air Force Institute of Technology to become a government program manager. Don was selected to become the lead sniper on a base swat team when the Security Police Commander learned of his training and experience. Don served over twenty years and was involved in four conflicts from Vietnam through Korea and the Cold war, was held captive in Surinam during a military coup. He retired after Desert Storm with the rank of Master Sergeant.
Shooting Experience
Don has been shooting since the late 1960’s. Weapons qualifications in the military prompted him to seek advanced training through Special Forces entities and private shooting schools. He has attended the best shooting schools in the world which gives him a perspective on proper techniques that few can claim.
He participated in combat competition matches for over a decade and achieved over 120 local, national, and international shooting awards. Don has designed and constructed, to date, eight tactical shooting ranges.
Don has attained the coveted Combat Master status (handgun) and the very rare rank of Four Weapon Combat Master.
Decades of education along with real world experience have combined to give Don a unique background. His love of teaching has driven him to share his vast knowledge with serious students. Don founded the concept reflected in his company’s title, Martial Arms, in 1985.
Asian Martial Arts
Don has studied several Asian martial arts which include Karate, Go Shin Do, Ninjitsu, Jeet Kune Do, and has achieved Black belt ratings in Iaijutsu, the art of the Japanese sword.
He has attended instructor courses in sword and knife, and at least one of his saves has involved a student who attended his defensive knife course.
Hunting Bio
Don started hunting small game in the early 1970’s. Hunting whitetail deer became passion after his first deer hunt in 1974. After years of gun and archery hunting for that elusive animal, he sought larger game in the western United States. As some hunters have, Don’s thoughts turned to Africa.
Don has completed the "Big Five" and "Dangerous Seven" and with the taking of a record book brown bear in Russia, he has hunted all of the most dangerous game on earth. One more continent to go and he will have hunted the world. Don shares his experience and adventures through his hunting rifle and hunting handgun courses.
Other Achievements
Don has traveled extensively around the world several times seeing many of the world’s wonders. He has skydived, scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef, climbed four mountains, hiked and camped remote areas, flown on the Memphis Belle B-17 as seen in the popular movie, observed the Apollo 15 launch in Florida, and witnessed a space shuttle landing in California. He was a member of the first Air Force crew to land on the space shuttle runway. Many of his cold war missions supported the U.S. Space program. During his military career he was stationed in Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, and flew many Cold War missions staging out of many countries around the world. He has volunteered to help the Boy Scouts of America, cancer survivors, and the handicapped. Don has been involved in two handgun fights and stopped a charging rhino at five feet.
Past and Present Affiliations
Jesus is a co-owner and instructor for martial arms.He has been involved in firearms training for nearly two decades. He is a graduate of many advanced firearms courses and holds the title of black belt in Advanced defensive handgun. He is a certified nra firearms instructor and a graduate of martial arms' training courses to include, range safety officer course, c c instructor, and advanced firearms instructor. Jesus is also the range operations manager for martial arms and a certified Glock armorer. He is an avid hunter and holds black belt titles in shito-ryu karate and japanese jujutsu and a student of the fine art of Japanese sword.